王 川
广州大学 电子信息楼602室
广州市大学城外环西路230号 邮编:510006
Tel: 13751846463
2006.09 - 2011.12 中山大学化学与化学工程学院,材料物理与化学专业,博士
2010.09 - 2011.09 美国北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校公共卫生学院,CSC联合培养博士
2001.09 - 2005.06 中山大学化学与化学工程学院,应用化学,学士
2017.08 - 今 广州大学 环境科学与工程学院 副教授
2013.07 - 2017.08 中国科学院 重庆绿色智能技术研究院 副研究员
2011.12 - 2013.07 中国科学院 重庆绿色智能技术研究院 助理研究员
2010.01 - 2010.04 香港理工大学 土木及结构工程学系 研究助理
2005.06 - 2006.09 中山大学 化学与化学工程学院 研究助理
1. 《环境科学与工程实验技术综合》
2. 《环境电化学》
3. 《环境催化》
4. 《废水碳氮检测》
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:零价铁耦合微生物腐蚀过程定向深度脱氮作用机制研究(2020-2023, No. 51978181)
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目:电芬顿体系中氧传质/还原过程及其调控方法研究(2017-2020, No. 51678554)
3. 国家自然科学基金青年基金:孔道限域Fenton体系的构建及降解微污染物研究(2013-2015, No.51208539)
4. 中国科学院西部之光博士资助项目:垃圾渗滤液中有机污染物削减及其迁移转化过程分析(2012-2014)
[1] Xiao J., Wang C.*, Liu H.*Fenton-like degradation of dimethyl phthalate enhanced by quinone species, J. Hazard. Mat. 2020, 382, 121007.
[2] Yang J.X., Dong Z.J., Jiang C.C., Wang C., Liu H.*, An overview of bromate formation in chemical oxidation processes: Occurrence, mechanism, influencing factors, risk assessment, and control strategies, Chemosphere 2019, 237, 124521.
[3] Yin F.J., Liu Y., Wang S., Wang C., Liu H.*, Validation of H2O2-mediated pathway model for elucidating oxygen reduction mechanism: Experimental evidences and theoretical simulations, Electrochimica Acta, 2019, 313, 378-388.
[4] Hua Y.N., Wang S., Xiao J., Cui C., Wang C. *, Preparation and characterization of Fe3O4/gallic acid/graphene oxide magnetic nanocomposites as highly efficient Fenton catalysts, Rsc Advances, 2017, 7, 28979-28986.
[5] Xiao J., Wang C.*, Lu S. S., Liu H.*, Jiang C.C., Lei Y.M. Enhancementof Fenton degradation by catechol in wide initial pH range, Sep. Purif. Technol.,2016, 169, 202–209.
[6] Qinqin Zhang, Wang C.,, Yangming Lei, Fenton‘s Oxidation Kinetics, Pathway, and Toxicity Evaluation of Diethyl Phthalate in Aqueous Solution, Journal of Advanced Oxidation Technologies, 2016 19 (1): 125-133.
[7] Wang C., Liu T.F., Bu F., Liu H*. Perchlorate Removal Using a Minimized Dosage of Electrodeposited Zero-Valent Iron. J. Environ. Eng. 2015, 141(3), 04014064.
[8] Liu Y., Liu H.*, Wang C., Hou S.X, Yang N. Sustainable Energy Recovery in Wastewater Treatment by Microbial Fuel Cells: Stable Power Generation with Nitrogen-doped Graphene Cathode. Environ. Sci. Technol., 2013, 47: 13889-13895
[9] Liu H.*, Wang Q., Wang C., Li X.Z. Electron efficiency of zero-valent iron for groundwater remediation and wastewater treatment. Chem. Eng. J. 2013, 215-216, 90-95.
[10] He G., Chen R., Lu S., Jiang C., Liu H.*, Wang C., Dominating role of ionic strength in the sedimentation of nano-TiO2 in aquatic environments. J. Nanomater. 2015, Article ID 851928, 10 pages.
[11] He G., Chen R., Lu S., Jiang C., Liu H.*, Wang C., Alternative assessment of nano-TiO2 sedimentation under different conditions based on sedimentation efficiency at quasi-stable state. J. Nanopart. Res. 2015, 17: 454, 11 pages.
[12] Xu X., Lei Y.M., Hua Y.N., Wang C.*, Electro-generation of hydrogen peroxide: derivation of empirical formula simultaneously contaminating current density and electrolytic time based on kinetic model, Global Journal of Engineering Science and Research Management, 2(4):April -2015